Wednesday, September 11, 2013

20 Years In Memorial

God is amazing!!!
I cannot believe it has been 20 years since Daddy was taken from us in a very brutal and gory way.
Then, when it happened, I thought our lives were over. Looking back I now understand what it means to truly rely on God daily for provision, for sustenance, for direction, in fact, for everything.
Then, I understood what it was like to cry and feel your heart broken in pieces, literarily. I never believed that someday we could move on without the heaviness associated with the pains of losing a loved one.
To be honest, I still cry sometimes when I think about him. I cried during my MSc graduation because I would have loved him to be there. I cried during my wedding because I would have loved him to be physically present. Last year I remember crying while driving as I thought about how he was separated from us. Sometimes I get sober when I am having a great time with my husband, and I realize that my mother is all alone without the company of a lover and best friend.
This post is just to say "Thank You Lord!" In these 20 years You have proven, times without number, that You are the Father of the Fatherless and the Husband to the widow. You know how to turn mourning into dancing. Your promises of never leaving us nor forsaking us remain tested and true. Thank You.
Finally, I thank You for the "September Gift".  You that promised is faithful.

You can read about how he was separated from us here.


1 + The One said...

I join you in thanking God for His sufficient grace for you and your family.. and for the September gift. xx

~Sirius~ said...

I saw your Memorial in Guardian today!!...Guess what? I didn't know it was your dad, I just read the surnames and said to Kids all grown and married and he probably wasn't there, so sad....

Until I saw the picture in your post, I'm like NO! I just saw this picture in the memorial that I read this morning

Thank you Lord for being a Father to the family...and thank you for our September gift

Olufunke said...

To the father of the fatherless for all those years...

To the husband of the widow

God is indeed faithful...He always shows up

Thank God for the September gift too

Toinlicious said...

Thank God :)

@ilola said...

Wow. We thank God for His protection over your life and that of your family members. He has really sustained you guys.

David C Brown said...

My grace is sufficient ... through all our testings.

Mwajim Al said...

Wow... I was crying reading the original story. Who says God is dead? I praise Him for your life and his abounding mercies and faithfulness!

James said...

Faithful God he is. Been a minute.

Enkay said...

God is indeed faithful. I too have often wondered if I will ever get over the loss of my own father. He passed away 10 years ago this year. But you have lived without yours for 20 full years!

See how far God has brought you all.

He is indeed faithful.

As for your 'September Gift'? I dance for Joy with you!

Sarah said...

I actually cried.... Praise be our God who is mighty and greatly to be praise for He is such a perfect Father!